Table of Contents

When to Get an Attachment Evaluation v
Behaviors Commonly Associated with Insecure Attachment vii
Section I: 12 Critical Concepts for a Therapeutic Mindset
1. Stay Calm and Strong 3
2. Provide Nurture and Structure 3
3. Respond to Your Child's Need, Not Your Child's Behavior 4
4. Disregard the Use of Discipline or Punishment 4
5. Use Natural or Logical Consequences 5
6. Expect Your Child to Do "Repairs" 6
7. Catch Your Child Doing Things Right 7
8. Set Your Child Up for Success 8
9. Adjust Expectations to Your Child's Ability 8
10. Be Empathetic 9
11. Think "Time-in" Instead of "Time-Out" 9
12. Remember to Smile, Laugh, Play and Have Fun 10
Section II: 15 Practices of a Therapeutic Parent
1. Do "Claiming" Activities 13
2. Honor Your Child's Birth Heritage 13
3. Provide Appropriate and Vigilant Supervision 14
4. Learn Your Child's Trauma Triggers 14
5. Provide a Sensory-Friendly Environment 15
6. Limit Electronics 16
7. Have Daily or Weekly Expectations for Your Child 16
8. Use Relaxation Techniques 16
9. Confront Carefully and Sensitively 16
10. Avoid Power Struggles 17
11. Avoid Using the Word "No" 17
12. Use Questions 18
13. Give Directives 19
14. Prompt Positive Behaviors 19
15. Encourage Your Child to "Practice" 19
Section III: Responses to 15 Common Problem Behavoirs
1. Responding to Defiance 23
2. Responding to Anger 25
3. Responding to Aggression and Rage 25
4. Responding to Chronic Lying 27
5. Responding to Chronic Stealing 27
6. Responding to Running Away 28
7. Responding to Self-Soothing Behaviors 29
8. Responding to Self-Harm Behaviors 29
9. Responding to Regressive Behaviors or "Playing Baby" 30
10. Responding to Problems with Seperation and Reunion 30
11. Responding to Problems with Transitions 32
12. Responding to Problems with Food and Eating 33
13. Responding to Toileting and Elimination Problems 34
14. Responding to Excessive Attention-Seeking 35
15. Responding to Problems at School 35
Credits 41
Additional Resources 43
Bibliography 45